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Summary VASUCHADE  Coffee Company Ltd

  • We are looking for an investment of 1.3 to 1.5 million USD during a 3-5 year period to build a profitable coffee business that can take full control for the whole Value Addition and Supply Chain Management  within the Coffee Development Industry in Uganda.
  • T0 have coordinated resources and farmers in Uganda so we can offer customers enough, quality coffee beans and a Sustainable Coffee Value Addition and Supply Chain Development in Uganda.
  • We want to create a strong Private Partnership including Farmers, Investors and Business People using VASUCHADE as both a business model whereby International Coffee Trade can be used as a Platform to uplift rural communities increase their access to participate in the Coffee Value Addition and Supply Chain Development  markets Coffee in order to create better sustainable livelihoods for the attainment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. VASUCHADE is therefore finding solutions and support through inclusive trade to empower the grassroots rural communities increase their participation in Value Addition and access to Supply Chain Development so as to win an  International Markets Cap.
  • We want to find many new international markets but also develop the regional market in East Africa. We want to climb up the value chain within coffee, first by developing the regional market in East Africa.
  • We want to increase export of raw coffee (Green Beans) but also build a regional coffee brand and develop multi channel coffee sales for Uganda coffee.